20 Age Teeth

20 Age Teeth

Twenty-year-old teeth are the youngest and backmost molars between the ages of 17-22. Due to being the most behind and driving late, many people may come out abnormally in direction and axis or remain completely buried. The teeth that cannot come out or erupt abnormally can often cause inflammatory and painful conditions. Therefore, it may be necessary to withdraw in many patients. In addition, even if the teeth erupt, since they are in an area that is difficult to reach, adequate hygiene cannot be provided and they can decay rapidly. In some cases, they can put pressure on the front teeth and disrupt the alignment of the existing teeth in the mouth.

How Is 20-Year-Old Female Extraction Done?

First of all, the relevant area is anesthetized with a local anesthetic solution. Depending on the impactedness of the tooth, the gum or bone is removed and the tooth is removed from the bone socket by means of special hand tools. Later, if necessary, a few stitches can be placed in several relevant areas.

Is 20-Year-Old Tooth Extraction Painful and Long?

In fact, the patient does not feel pain because the relevant area is anesthetized during the 20-year-old tooth extraction, and the extraction time can vary between 15 minutes and 30 minutes depending on the position of the tooth. Depending on the patient's excessive anxiety, fear or systemic disease, it can also be withdrawn with sedation (sleep). If the tooth is buried in the bone, it is normal to have mild swelling and pain for a day or two after the operation, as some bone will be removed.

Are Procedures Such As Filling And Root Canal Treatment Applied To Decayed 20-Year-Old Teeth?

If 20-year-old teeth with small decays need to remain in the mouth, they can be braced by filling procedure. Root canal treatment can be applied to painful 20-year-old teeth with deep caries. However, since 20-year-old teeth often have abnormal canal structures and are in a very difficult area to reach, the chances of success of the root canal treatment are quite low. If it is not absolutely necessary to hold it in the mouth, it is a more appropriate option to pull it off.