Tooth Extraction

How Is Tooth Extraction Done?

Extremely damaged and unrecoverable teeth are anesthetized by injecting a suitable local anesthetic solution. First of all, the surrounding tissues are loosened with a hand tool called elevator. Then it is grasped properly with a hand tool called davye. Subsequently, the bone is pulled from its socket by applying force in the ideal direction and intensity. In some cases, the roots of the teeth may be broken or it is understood that they will not come out in one piece from the head. In these cases, the teeth are divided with special tools and the bone is removed from the socket in pieces. In some cases, stitches may be applied to the relevant area to accelerate wound healing.

What Should Be Considered After Shooting?

The gauze placed in the mouth after shooting should be discarded after half an hour. If blood appears later, it should never be spit out and swallowed. Because the act of spitting will break the clot in the wound area and cause more bleeding. Cigarettes, extremely cold-hot and very hard foods should not be consumed for 24 hours after shooting. Ice can be applied at intervals to prevent swelling. Pain formation is normal for the first few days, so pain relievers can be used. If stitches are made, the stitches should be removed within the time specified by the physician.